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Month: November 2023

Community Infrastructure Levy at Leigh

What is the Community Infrastructure Levy?

The Community Infrastructure Levy (or CIL for short) is the district councils collect financial contributions from developers to help pay for new and improved infrastructure. It is calculated on a pounds (£) per square metre basis of new development. The levy replaces financial contributions historically made through section 106 agreements. Section 106 agreements will continue to be used for
certain site-specific infrastructure.

What can CiL be spent on?

Money raised can be spent on anything that deals areas online. with the demands that development places on the area, such as:

 transport infrastructure
 open spaces
 educational facilities
 medical facilities
 sporting and other recreational facilities
 social and community facilities
 affordable housing
 preparation of a neighbourhood plan

Parish councils should work closely with neighbouring parishes and us (the district council) to agree on
infrastructure spending priorities.

Join us at the November Parish Council meeting to hear and share options for the current funds available to the village.