Leigh Cottage Garden Society
Growing in the Community
Leigh & District Cottage Garden Society
Join us for talks from gardening experts, home crafts, activities and outings. Enjoy discounts at local garden centres and more…
We are a thriving, informal and friendly society in a village in the heart of the Surrey countryside. We’ve been around since 1891 and are affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society and have close associations with the Parish Council and South & South East in Bloom.
Our key purpose is to nurture and support the culture of fruit, flowers and vegetables and of home crafts within our community. We try and keep our programme of events fresh & exciting getting together regularly for talks and presentations, seed swaps, visiting Gardens and other Garden Shows across the year.

Our main event in the year is the Summer Show organised by Committee Members. Membership is open to all from gardening novices to specialists. There are opportunities to share your enthusiasm with like-minded people, share your skills, learn new skills, get inspired about your environment, as well as getting involved with your community.
For day to day updates follow us on Facebook: @LDCGS