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Leigh WI

Abbots Pass Hall, Bunce Common Road, Leigh, RH2 8NS

Meetings – Second Monday of each month at 7.30

Members of our friendly WI group live in and around Leigh. We operate mostly as a social group and organise theatre and cinema trips and a variety of outings to gardens and historical sites. We visit Christmas markets and take advantage of the beautiful Surrey countryside for walks, coffee mornings and alfresco lunches. The talks at our monthly meetings cover a range of topics including craft demonstrations, cookery, local history and life experiences.

Please see below a list of confirmed events coming up in 2024/ 2025:

Other events and outings will be added throughout the year.

11th November Annual Meeting and Social Evening
9th December Christmas Meal
13th January Milliner – Sophie Fryer
10th February Gardening 4 Birds
10th March Gambia Horse & Donkey Trust

WI in the Clink (restaurant!)

For more information, please contact either our Secretary

or our President Elaine Gover on 07742 062500 /