History Group
Leigh History Group is a small informal group interested in researching, preserving, and making more widely available the history of our village.
We founded in 2009 with the aims of producing a readable non-academic history of the village storing and preserving our historical archives recording and preserving the memories of village inhabitants. In 2011 the Parish Council adopted the BT phone box on the Green, and we converted it into the History Box to hold changing displays of historical material.

Now available, our first published book, A History of Leigh. To order a copy for £8 please email your details to leighhistory@gmail.com.
We are actively seeking new members for the group so if you are interested in researching local history, organising the archives, preparing displays or contributing in any way please get in touch via leighhistory@gmail.com.
We would also like to hear from you if you would like to contribute your memories of life in the village, whether spoken, written, or in photos. (Photos and written material will be scanned and returned).
Click here to read more about Leigh’s history
With thanks to all who helped convert the history box, including Malcolm Parker & Andrew Pagnell for laying the paving, Keith Janes for fitting the display units, SSA in Mitcham, Surrey for supplying the signage, and Paul Wilkinson for fitting it. Contributions were gratefully received from Surrey County Council, the Residents Association and the Parish Council. And thanks especially to Harriet Hall without whom none of this would have happened.