The roadshow dates for Future Mole Valley
The roadshow dates for Future Mole Valley are listed below:
They may be locally focused but officers will be able to respond to any site location at all events.
Friday 14th February at Hookwood Memorial Hall from 3pm -7pm
Saturday 15th February at Dorking Christian Centre (large hall) from 1pm-5.30pm
Monday 17th February at North Leatherhead Community Centre from 3pm-7pm
Wednesday 19th February at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall from 3pm -7pm
Thursday 20th February at Beare Green Village Hall (Main Hall) from 3pm -7pm
Friday 21st February at Ockley Village Hall from 3pm -7pm
Monday 24th February at Leatherhead Institute (G6/Larkin Room and library) from 3pm -7pm
Tuesday 25th February at Capel Village Memorial Hall from 3pm -7pm
Friday 28th February at Leigh Village Hall from 3pm -7pm
Monday 2nd March at MVDC Offices Pippbrook, Dorking (Committee Rooms 1 and 2) from