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Month: February 2022

Leigh Women’s Institute Events in 2022

Leigh Women’s Institute

Abbots Pass Hall, Bunce Common Road, Leigh, RH2 8NS

Meetings – Second Monday of each month at 7.30

Members of our friendly WI group live in and around Leigh. We operate mostly as a social group and organise theatre and cinema trips and a variety of outings to gardens and historical sites. We visit Christmas markets and take advantage of the beautiful Surrey countryside for walks, coffee mornings and alfresco lunches. The talks at our monthly meetings cover a range of topics including craft demonstrations, cookery, local history and life experiences.

Please see below a list of confirmed events coming up in the first half of 2022. Other events and outings will be added throughout the year.

Feb 14th WI meeting Talk – Air Ambulance

Feb 19th Afternoon Tea

March 14th WI meeting with guest Magician

March 16th Wisley Gardens

April 11th WI meeting Talk – My Life in Leather

April 23rd Jumble Sale

June 13th WI meeting with guest Harpist

July Summer walk and Supper

For more information please either email our secretary via or contact our President Mrs Judith Bartley on 01306 611472


If you are new to softball then the best way to described it is to say it is a cross between Rounders and Baseball but the important thing is it is a mixed game and we play for the exercise and to have fun. Our age group ranges from 15 to 69.

Soft Ball is a good way to keep fit, there is quite of bit of running/jogging involved be it when you are fielding or batting. It does not matter if you are not very good at hitting a ball or catching a ball as the emphases is on having fun.

If you have never played before then do not worry, the rules are very simple to learn and we are a very social group more interested in having fun than playing a competitive sport. Family groups of mixed age and sporting ability are very welcome.

We play on the Cricket Ground it Leigh (RH2 8NP) every Thursday evening during the summer months, weather dependant from about 18.30 till 20.00. Our local Pub, The Plough supports us by providing a snack/meal after every game for a very reasonable price. There is also a very small charge for playing each week which goes towards paying for our Insurance.

For more info please either text or ring Mike on 07708 614090

or email