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Month: January 2023

King Charles III Coronation Planning Meeting

King Charles III’s Coronation Celebration

Leigh Parish Council is hosting a meeting, inviting residents and groups to come together to discuss potential events and opportunities that could take place in Leigh to mark the occasion.

This informal, initial meeting will be on Monday 30 January at 19:30. It will be held at the Cricket Pavilion on Bunce Common Road.

The King’s coronation will take place on Saturday 6 May, 2023. Monday 8 May will be a celebratory bank holiday. This means that there are three bank holidays in May next year: Monday 1 May, Monday 8 May and Monday 29 May.

All are welcome to join us! If you are unable to attend but would like to put forward any suggestions or volunteer your time however much, please email through to so you can be included.

Volunteers needed by local aviation organisation

CAGNE is your aviation community and environment organisation and is in need of a new committee member in your area!  CAGNE is always pleased to welcome new committee members from Sussex, Surrey and Kent, to help our committee with the ever increasing workload – from administration roles to planning, infrastructure and airspace.  If you can offer some time and would like to be actively involved, please email  We will also be looking for a new President this year as our long standing president retires in February.  Find out more at

Have your say: Commissioner’s council tax survey 2023/24

Time is running out for Surrey residents to have their say on how much they’re prepared to pay to support policing teams in their communities over the coming year.

Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend has urged everyone living in the county to share their views on her council tax survey for 2023/24 at The poll will close at 12 noon on Monday, January 16.

Residents are being asked if they’d support a small increase of up to £1.25 a month in council tax so policing levels can be sustained in Surrey.

Three options are available in the survey – an extra £15 a year on an average council tax bill, which would help Surrey Police maintain its current position and look to improve services, between £10 and £15 extra a year, which will allow the Force to keep its head above water, or less than £10, which would likely mean a reduction in service to communities.

One of Lisa’s key responsibilities is to set the overall budget for the Force. This includes determining the level of council tax specifically raised for policing in the county, which is known as the precept.

The Force is funded by both the precept and a grant from central government.

This year, Home Office funding will be based on the expectation that Commissioners around the country will increase the precept by an extra £15 a year.

Lisa said: “We’ve already had a good response to the survey, and I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to have their say.

“I’d also like to encourage anyone who hasn’t yet had time to quickly do so. It takes just a minute or two, and I’d love to know your thoughts.

“Asking residents for more money this year has been an extremely difficult decision.

“I am well aware that the cost of living crisis is impacting every household in the county. But with inflation continuing to rise, a council tax increase will be necessary just to allow Surrey Police to maintain its current position.

“I don’t want to risk taking a step backwards in the services we provide. I spend much of my time consulting with residents and hearing about the issues that matter most to them, and I’d now ask the Surrey public for their continued support.”

To fill in the survey, please visit