Solar Farm Application in Leigh
Solar Farm at Little Flanchford Farm
A Planning Application has been made to Mole Valley District Council for the construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of a 11.32 MVA ground-mounted solar farm. It is proposed for a period of 40 years and includes landscaping, associated infrastructure, and temporary construction access.
Details can be found at and on the MVDC Planning Portal at MO/2024/1823
It is important that residents have the opportunity to express their individual views on this proposal and comment on the application, representations can be made on-line to MVDC or in writing to the Planning Department: Mole Valley District Council, Pippbrook, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1SJ.
The decision on the Application by MVDC is scheduled for the 27 February 2025, the expiry date for public comments is 6 January 2025, however, representations received after this date can still be taken into consideration up until the end of January.
Leigh Parish Council will be responding to the Application representing residents’ views therefore, in addition to making representation to MVDC, the Parish Council would welcome your views and comments which can be emailed in confidence to or in writing to The Parish Clerk, 7 Yew Tree Road, Charlwood RH6 0DE.