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Scam alert – Leigh Parish Business Directory

We have been alerted by a resident who received an email titled ‘Renew your listing in the Leigh Parish Business Directory’ from an email address which is Leigh Parish <  If you follow the renewal instructions you receive an email with an invoice for £19.

This appears to be a scam and in no way connected to the village website or the parish magazine, the Leigh Post.

The UK government’s new Emergency Alerts system is now live.

The UK government’s new Emergency Alerts system is now live.
The system will enable people to be contacted via their mobile phone when lives are in danger. On Sunday 23 April 2023 at 3pm, there will be a national test of the Emergency Alerts service.


It will be used to warn you in the event of emergencies, such as severe flooding.

Emergency Alerts are sent to all compatible mobile phones within an area of risk. They don’t track your location, need your phone number, or collect personal data. Only the government and the emergency services will be able to send them. If you don’t have a mobile phone, you’ll still be kept informed through other channels.


If you get an Emergency Alert on your phone, you’ll hear a loud, siren-like sound. A message on your screen will tell you about the emergency and how best to respond. You’ll be able to check an alert is genuine at

If you receive an alert, read the alert carefully and follow the instructions.


You can opt out of receiving emergency alerts; for more information on how to opt out please go to


To find out more about Emergency Alerts, visit


(If you found this information helpful, please forward it to friends and family members. To view this information on social media, please visit Facebook, Twitter or Instagram)


Leigh Village King Charles III Coronation Celebrations

Dear Resident,

The Parish Council have delegated a group of volunteers to organise events during the Coronation weekend 6-8 May 2023. There are two principal events happening which we hope that people will get involved with.

The first event in accordance with the Kings Coronation plans is the big lunch which is being held throughout the country. Leigh village will have their own lunch on the village green opposite the Plough Pub from 1200 onwards on the 7 May. It is essentially a picnic with a prize for the most elaborate and decorative table or picnic blanket. An information flyer will be posted to all dwellings and a contact email address has been set up for your responses or questions.

The second event will be the big help out in accordance with the Kings wishes. This will be on Monday 8 May 2023 and again a flyer will be distributed detailing what is happening and how you can get involved. The email contact is

There are alternative methods of contact on the flyers.

We look forward to seeing you all during that weekend.

Leigh Coronation Committee


Mole Valley

Election of Parish Councillors for the Ward listed below:

Parish Ward LEIGH                                       Number of Councillors to be elected Seven

1. Nomination papers must be hand delivered to the Returning Officer at the offices of Mole Valley District Council, at the address shown below, from the day after the date of publication of this notice, between 9.30am and 4pm (excluding bank holidays) but no later than 4pm on Tuesday 4 April 2023. We request that an appointment is made so that we can ensure that there is someone available to receive the papers.

2. Nomination papers may be obtained, during normal office hours, from the Returning Officer at the address shown below.

3. If the election is contested, the poll will take place on Thursday 4 May 2023.

4. Applications to register to vote must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at the address below by 12 midnight on Monday 17 April 2023. Applications can be made via

5. Applications, amendments or cancellations of postal votes must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at the address shown below by 5pm on Tuesday 18 April 2023.

6. Applications for a Voter Authority Certificate or an Anonymous Elector’s Document valid for this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Tuesday 25 April 2023. Applications for a Voter Authority Certificate can be made online via: GOV.UK website.

7. Applications to vote by proxy at this election must be received by the Electoral Registration Officer at the address given below by 5pm on Tuesday 25 April 2023.

8. Applications to vote by emergency proxy on grounds of occupation, service or employment or a medical condition, illness or disability arising after 5pm on Tuesday 25 April 2023 is not later than 5pm on Thursday 4 May 2023.

Dated: Wednesday 22 March 2023
Karen Brimacombe
Returning Officer

Notice of Election- (Leigh)[31231]


Nomination pack parish council election (3)

Prospective Candidates’ Evening for District Elections 2023

Becoming a District Councillor Candidate

If you are interested in standing in the forthcoming elections, there will be a seminar for prospective candidates and agents on Monday 6 March 2023. The seminar will commence at 18:30pm at the Council Offices, Pippbrook, Dorking.

The purpose of this seminar is to provide anyone interested in standing in this year’s District Council Elections, on 4 May 2023, with information about the process. This seminar will provide an overview of the various electoral procedures, such as the submission of nomination papers, and key dates. It will also include information on the role of a District Councillor and the Councillor’s Code of Conduct.

The Notice of Election will be published on Wednesday 22 March 2023. Nominations will therefore open on Thursday 23 March 2023 and close of Tuesday 4 April 2023, at 4pm.

If you would like more information on standing as a Candidate in a local Election, please refer to the Electoral Commission’s guidance on their website. A timetable of key dates for the forthcoming elections may be downloaded from the Electoral Commission’s website.

If you wish to attend this seminar, please contact Electoral Services via to register your interest.

Leigh Cricket Club – An open invitation to pre-season practice

The season is almost upon us and those of us of a certain disposition cannot wait to get a bat and ball in hand. I’m pleased to say that our indoor pre-season net practices have been confirmed for the following dates:

Thursday 23rd & 30th March and 6th, 13th and 20th April
Copthorne Prep School (Effingham Lane, Copthorne, Crawley RH10 3HR).

Anyone from the village and surrounding areas who are keen to get involved with the club, in whatever capacity, is invited to come along. We’d love to see some new faces there.

We’re a club that is open to all. Whatever your age, gender or ability, we’ll give you the encouragement to enjoy your weekend cricket.

Our season gets underway on Saturday 23rd April and goes right through till the end of September, playing both days each weekend. Meaning there are plenty of opportunities for those looking to play regularly or just a couple of times a season.

In other news, the club has a new website which we’ll be continuing to develop over the coming months. We’re hoping that we’ll be able to use it to attract players to this beautiful part of the Surrey countryside to build a vibrant community club over the next few years.

The Committee has also been busy over the winter months finalising plans to renovate the patio area outside the pavilion. The existing slabs were laid quite a few years ago so it’s about time we freshened it up to create a nicer area from which spectators and players can enjoy the game. This work should be completed in the early part of the season once the weather has settled down a little, so we’d be delighted to see some local faces down at the club this summer.

New Facilities for St Bartholomew’s

The new loo and kitchenette for St Bartholomew’s Church has been a mammoth undertaking, but the sparkling new facilities were officially opened on Saturday 7th January by Councillor Paul Potter, the Chairman of Mole Valley District Council; our minister Jonathan Willans; myself; Mick Lock, our amazing builder; and his beautiful little granddaughter Isla.

St Bartholomew Church Leigh New Facilities
Isla, Mick Lock, Jonathan (with “Hooray” cake!), me, and Councillor Paul Potter

Vicar Jonathan expressed his delight that Leigh church has these facilities which means the church will be able to reach out more into the community. The Cosy Corner coffee morning held on every 2nd and 4th Monday morning from 10.30-1230 is the first of these supportive initiatives. The Vicar expresses his personal thanks to all who laboured along side him for 20 years to achieve this aim. He especially thanks Mick Lock the craftsman builder, Peter Joyce as project manager and Eileen Winstanley, John Worsfold among others.

Progress has not been easy, and has been made all the more difficult by the loss of our architect, Roderick Maclennan, in his battle against cancer. Not only did Roderick project manage the build until his untimely death, but being the good Christian that he was, he provided constant encouragement.

The resulting facilities are a triumph, and look as though they have always been a part of our beautiful church. The side wall with its window had to be completely taken down and moved outwards between the side buttresses so that we didn’t lose precious space at the west entrance. Every block was numbered and placed in its original position. Horsham tiles had to be found to mimic those on the existing roof. Finally, the tiles in the west entrance had to be completely lifted and relaid in the porch area to lose the 100mm drop, and to allow for a completely flat surface for ease of access. During the course of the works it was found that the porch had sunk in one corner, and this has now been underpinned with concrete to provide many more centuries of use.

This project has been a tribute to so many people. To Mick Lock and his boys, who soldiered through without an architect; to the members of the PCC for their unfailing support; to Sue and Douglas Frost for their fundraising efforts and their successful attempts to put St Bartholomew at the heart of the Leigh community; to Jonathan and Sharon for providing support whenever needed; to Paul Potter and our local councillors for their political underpinning for the project; to our wardens Eileen Winstanley and Keith Bryant, always there to assist and encourage; to Colin and David for managing the money; to my long-suffering wife, Alison, for putting up with my obsession; and of course to Isla for cutting the ribbon.

St Bartholomew Church Leigh New Facilities
External wall – each block was numbered to replace exactly as original

St Bartholomew’s has not been able to function properly without a loo and a kitchenette. We know that people have turned away the chance to hold a wedding or a funeral because of a lack of these facilities. We can now work on drawing people in not just for worship, but also for a number of new activities which will give the church the chance to become where it should rightfully be – at the heart of the community!

Peter Joyce

Deputy Warden


Changes to parking enforcement and verge cutting

Please note the following changes regarding parking enforcement and environmental management:

Following Cabinet approval in December, changes are planned to the on street parking management and enforcement service across Surrey from this April. The agency agreements we have with the District and Borough Councils are ending in March, so from April, Surrey Highways will manage on street parking in conjunction with Marstons Holdings Ltd. (Also known as NSL). NSL have experience in Surrey, working for Elmbridge and Waverley Borough Councils for the last 10 years as well as for Hampshire and East Sussex County Councils.

The following activities will be carried out by NSL:

  • Parking Enforcement and day to day operations
  • Processing Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) and dealing with enquiries about them
  • Managing resident parking permits and dealing with enquiries about them
  • Arranging parking suspensions and waivers
  • Taking payments for PCN’s, permits and other services
  • Operation of pay and display machines
  • Operation of traffic enforcement cameras

The mobilisation process for the new contract has already started and by April NSL will set up 3 operating bases for their enforcement team around the county.

A new SCC team (The Parking Enforcement Team) will be set up in The Parking and Traffic Enforcement Team to work with NSL and do the following:

  • Deal with enquiries about parking enforcement
  • Financial control and contract monitoring
  • Formal appeals against PCNs
  • Parking enforcement policy


Information about the new service will be made available over the next two months, including:

  • How to report and apply for parking related services
  • Where to send enquiries
  • Team contacts
  • Where to find information

Environmental Maintenance Changes

On April 1st 2023, Surrey County Council (SCC) will also take over responsibility for Environmental Maintenance (grass cutting, weed spraying and treatment of noxious weeds) across the whole of the County. Whist we currently already cut grass in Elmbridge, Mole Valley and Tandridge, the other areas have historically been managed by Districts and Boroughs (D&Bs) to differing specifications. The level of service residents received depended on where they lived in the County with no consistent approach. The County Council funded 4 urban cuts, 2 rural cuts and 1 weed spray treatment per annum but some D&Bs provided funding to top this up.  In some areas, there was further devolution to Parishes.

By bringing the service back in house, a consistent approach across all areas will be achieved. We can also ensure highway verge maintenance contributes to our greener futures objectives and provide a greater ability to support the national “blue campaign” to reduce cuts and increase biodiversity.​ Finally, it will enable the service to promote innovation, actively trial and switch to alternatives to conventional weed spraying as technology develops.


Regular meetings have been held with all Ds & Bs to ensure as smooth a transfer as possible. This includes ensuring comprehensive mapping, liaison on future litter picking and street cleansing services, consistent communications and understanding the level of enquiries of complaints we can expect. Contractors from our Countryside framework will carry out grass cutting and weed spraying for the next two years and during this period we will be going out to market to tender for a longer term contract to start in April 2025.

Volunteers needed by local aviation organisation

CAGNE is your aviation community and environment organisation and is in need of a new committee member in your area!  CAGNE is always pleased to welcome new committee members from Sussex, Surrey and Kent, to help our committee with the ever increasing workload – from administration roles to planning, infrastructure and airspace.  If you can offer some time and would like to be actively involved, please email  We will also be looking for a new President this year as our long standing president retires in February.  Find out more at

Have your say: Commissioner’s council tax survey 2023/24

Time is running out for Surrey residents to have their say on how much they’re prepared to pay to support policing teams in their communities over the coming year.

Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend has urged everyone living in the county to share their views on her council tax survey for 2023/24 at The poll will close at 12 noon on Monday, January 16.

Residents are being asked if they’d support a small increase of up to £1.25 a month in council tax so policing levels can be sustained in Surrey.

Three options are available in the survey – an extra £15 a year on an average council tax bill, which would help Surrey Police maintain its current position and look to improve services, between £10 and £15 extra a year, which will allow the Force to keep its head above water, or less than £10, which would likely mean a reduction in service to communities.

One of Lisa’s key responsibilities is to set the overall budget for the Force. This includes determining the level of council tax specifically raised for policing in the county, which is known as the precept.

The Force is funded by both the precept and a grant from central government.

This year, Home Office funding will be based on the expectation that Commissioners around the country will increase the precept by an extra £15 a year.

Lisa said: “We’ve already had a good response to the survey, and I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to have their say.

“I’d also like to encourage anyone who hasn’t yet had time to quickly do so. It takes just a minute or two, and I’d love to know your thoughts.

“Asking residents for more money this year has been an extremely difficult decision.

“I am well aware that the cost of living crisis is impacting every household in the county. But with inflation continuing to rise, a council tax increase will be necessary just to allow Surrey Police to maintain its current position.

“I don’t want to risk taking a step backwards in the services we provide. I spend much of my time consulting with residents and hearing about the issues that matter most to them, and I’d now ask the Surrey public for their continued support.”

To fill in the survey, please visit